It has been a while since I've been on here. A lot has happened in my life over the past few years.  I made this blog to share.  Share my thoughts, ideas, problems, kids, life.  I want a way to put information out there for others and myself.  I will post about whatever comes into my head and hope that you will enjoy it, or not.

       I have been on a journey with Jesus!  He has been a part of my life since I was in 5th or 6th grade.  I went to church with my friend Stephanie Richardson from a small town we lived in, Bingen Washington.  I remember her family getting Stephanie a Bible that summer and I wanted one as well!
It was during VBS that an alter call was made.  I repeated that prayer to accept the Lord into my life.  I wasn't sure what it all really meant at he time but I did it.  There was a pulling in my heart to say that prayer.  After many of us repeated it and we opened our eyes I remember the boy sitting next to me mocking us.  He said something like "that is stupid, they are stupid for saying those words"  Me being me, looked at him and said "your stupid".  From then on I wondered in and out of churches with family and friends.  Some very Godly based others claiming they where.
      I'm not here to judge but I'm telling you that the ONLY true church is the church that believes in Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His death and Resurrection. He did this to save us, yes you too, from our sins.  Without a blood covering over our sins we ca not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  All we have to do is believe in Him.   We don't have to do good works, give lots of money, obey ever rule in the Old Testament to the letter.  We don't become "holy rollers" as some think, we become followers of Christ! Christians.
      Billy Graham was an amazing man of God.  not sure that we have another on this earth right now. but here is a link to one of his many messages on  How to be Saved.   Let me tell you that this is does not make your life easy by any means.  It will however give you the covering of God the Lord Jesus Christ and allow you into eternal life with Him one day.
      If you have questions, I encourage you to reach out to anyone! Me, a family member, a friend, a church pastor to talk more about what it means to follow Jesus.   Ask what this picture below means!  You will not regret it!  Blessings
